


Department of Law, Economics and Management

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Department characteristics

In the Department of Law, Economics, and Management, students can broadly and comprehensively study law, economics, and management, the fields that comprise the foundation of society. Students study the future of Okinawa, Asia, and the world from a regional perspective. In year two, students choose from one of three courses (Law and Piblic Administration, Economics and Management, or Regional Studies) to bolster their personal interests.

Degree policy

In the Department of Law, Economics, and Management, a degree is awarded to students who complete 124 credits and take the required courses and fulfill other requirements, and who are able to develop and comprehensively use the following abilities and qualities.
1. Well-educated, with the ability to think comprehensively and from multiple perspectives
With a deep understanding of humanity, society, and the Okinawan region and well-rounded knowledge, students are able to think comprehensively and from multiple perspectives.
2. The ability to learn independently and cooperate with others
Students are able to look long-term at building a career by using the knowledge, thinking skills, and qualifications acquired in university.
Additionally, they can act independently and practically in solving problems in various environments by cooperating with various kinds of people.
3. Regional co-creation
With their understanding the characteristics of Okinawan nature, environment, history, culture, etc., students can face the challenges in new possibilities as they look at regional issues through an international context.
4. The ability to use specialized knowledge and skills
Building on the foundation from general education, students are able to think and analyze from the viewpoint of law, economics, or management.
With their deep understanding of humanity, society, and the Okinawan region and well-rounded knowledge, students are able to think comprehensively and from multiple perspectives.

Curriculum policy (Content and method of education)

(1) Well-educated, with the ability to think comprehensively and from multiple perspectives
Across four years of learning, we properly develop the fundamental skills of language, communication, and thinking. We provide an extensive education and comprehensive knowledge from multiple perspectives through courses on humanity/society, nature/environment, Okinawa, and others.
(2) The ability to learn independently and cooperate with others
Through a four-year integrated seminar system with small seminar groups, we foster students’ ability to independently engage in investigations, research, and field learning. We have established courses that contribute to career building and acquiring qualifications in law, economics, and management.
(3) Regional co-creation
We have established courses for deeper learning about the characteristics and issues of the region.
(4) The ability to use specialized knowledge and skills
We have established three courses for systematic study for students to increase their expertise after learning the fundamentals of law, economics, and management: Law and Administration, Economics and Management, and Regional Society. In addition to law, economics, and management, we have also established specialized courses for deeper learning on the region and society.